A Jerry Good Show

Jerry [Logo]

By Laurie Scarborough

Jeremeo Le Cordeur’s first effort at a one-man show under his own Vulture Productions opened to audiences at the Arena Theatre at Artscape on 29 June.

Jerry is the story of an unlikely hero, who receives a life-changing pizza delivery that turns his world upside down. Hopelessly in love with his neighbour, things go from bad to worse when Jerry is visited by a formidable Russian who wants something from him. Jerry must also deal with the perils of living with an irresponsible brother who seems to only care about himself and a home intrusion by a masked ninja-esque villain.

Jeremeo juggles the four main characters with ease, flitting between accents and physicality quickly. He uses creative transitions between characters, and good use of costuming and props to distinguish the different characters. There was also a good display of stunts which added to the performance.

“It is my first solo-theatre experience; the most exciting and terrifying I’ve had thus far,” Jeremeo has to say of the experience. “It’s definitely a journey that inspires you to become a better performer.”

The show has a short run at the Arena, closing on 2 July, but Jeremeo hopes to take it to festivals in the future. There is even talk of sequels, which will see Jerry in new and exciting adventures.

To book your tickets to see the show, click here. There is only one performance left!

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